Thursday, February 24, 2011

Secret's out!

I've decided to blog, not a huge decision in 2011 as nearly all of my mom friends blog daily. However, for me, this is a semi-big decision.  I treasure my "free" time which is typically limited to less than two hours a day if, by some miracle, both of my babies are napping.  So the idea of spending my precious free time in front of the computer is daunting.  I've decided to blog, in earnest, in order to record the wonderfulness that is my life, children, and relationship with God (not in that order).  I want to remember the surpising things my children do and say.  And although I am a generally private person, I relish the idea that I can choose to  allow my friends and family to know who I am while connecting with the outside world.  I've decided also to assume that no one will read this blog in order to give myself the liberty to write authentically.  So, from here I hope to embark on a engaging relationship with the medium of blogging.  I hope you enjoy our family's blog!


  1. Hi Hil! We miss you! Truly, you are so loved up here in little 'ol Visalia. When can you guys come to stay with us?? We would LOVE to have you all (including Sabastian!).
