Monday, August 22, 2011

Which seed will you plant?

Ungodly beliefs: the LIE which produces DEATH
  1. I don’t belong. I will always be on the outside (left out).
  2. I will always feel lonely. My spouse will not always be there for me.
  3. I am the problem. When something is wrong, it is my fault.
  4. My value is in what I do. I am valuable because I do good to others, because I am “successful.”
  5. I can avoid conflict that would risk losing others’ approval by being passive.
  6. The perfect life is one in which no conflict is allowed, and so there is peace.
  7. I am unattractive. God has shortchanged me.
  8. I have wasted a lot of time and energy, some of the best years of my life.
  9. Authority figures will just use and abuse me.
  10. My value is based totally on others’ judgment /perception of me.
  11. I will not be known, understood, loved or appreciated for who I am by those close to me.
  12. If I fail to please you, I won’t receive your pleasure and acceptance of me. Therefore, I must strive even more (perfectionism). I must do whatever is necessary to try to please you.
  13. The correct way to respond if someone offends me is to punish them by withdrawing and/or cutting them off.
  14. God is judging me when I relax. I have to stay busy.

Godly beliefs: the TRUTH which produces LIFE and PEACE
  1. I do belong. I am an adopted child of God. I am in his household.
  2. I am not lonely, and I have God’s perfect spouse for me permanently in my life.
  3. I am not the problem. When something is wrong, I am not always at fault.
  4. My value is in who I am in Christ, not what I do.
  5. I will not avoid conflict by being passive. Instead I will confront the issues in a Godly manner. I will no longer fear rejection.
  6. When there are conflicts, I will use the wisdom and knowledge of God to bring about peace.
  7. I am attractive. God says I am beautifully and wonderfully made.
  8. If I fail to please others, I will still receive their pleasure and acceptance because I am in Christ.
  9. Godly authority figures will not use and abuse me.
  10. My value is based totally on God’s perception of me in Christ.
  11. I am known, understood, loved and appreciated for who I am by those close to me.
  12. I can be very open about what I say because nothing can be held against me.
  13. The correct way to respond when I am offended or hurt is to choose to be open and communicate my hurt to the other person. I can do so because God will protect me and love me unconditionally.
  14. Not I, but Christ. Done (instead of do).

    1 comment:

    1. (From Larry)
      ...and the layers keep coming off! What a joy to know the father has our best interest in mind and that, by the gospel, he is prunning us and shapeing us in to the saints he has made us to be.
