Friday, October 14, 2011

The Latest

Evie's 1st birthday party was a blast.  We hung out with family and friends, ate authentic Italian food, drank wine, and watched a very happy little girl open presents with her Daddy.  Aside from birthday festivities, there's so much going on right now.  The kids are getting big, strong, and!  Caleb is speaking in full sentences about surprisingly mature subjects.  Evelynn is playing games, nearly walking, and responding well to sign language.  I'm (we're) finding that our children are very aware of everything we do (and say). 

Caleb is a little hawk, so sharp! Today we had a discussion about whether Mommy should go back to work.  I hadn't even told him that I was considering a teaching position when we asked me if I was going somewhere.  I told him that I wasn't going anywhere, but I pushed him for information on the subject.  I asked if Daddy could stay at home with him while Mommy went to work.  With fiery eyes and a strong voice, he responded, "No.  Daddy goes to work; Mommy stays with me."  That (decision) was easy.  Caleb is very intuitive.  He asked for a cheese sandwich yesterday.  I was thinking about requiring him to eat some leftover broccoli as well, and before I said the word, he piped up with, "No.  No broccoli Mama."  Funny kid.

Larry is leaving for a men's retreat for a few days, so it will be just me and the kiddos for a while. And if Christ doesn't come back, I am sure the kids and I will have many insightful conversations while he's gone!  I bet Evie Hope will be up and walking confidently by the time he gets back.  I know one thing for certain:  God will never leave or forsake us (or you!).  Enjoy your blessed weekend!

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